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Child Information

Does child have any allergies to grass, plants, or foods?
Child's Race (Select All That Apply)
Child's Grade Average At School
Is Child Currently Facing Any Legal Troubles?
Has Child Ever Been Suspended From School?

Parent/Guardian Information

Leave blank if not applicable

Who Does Child Primarily Live With (Check All That Apply)
Will your child be responsible for their own transportation during the program?

Program Agreement and Understanding

Please read and acknowledge the following statements regarding the Foundations Program by checking the boxes:

  1. Program Hours

    I understand that the workday is from 9 AM to 3 PM.

  1. Punctuality

    I understand that it is important for my child to arrive on time each day.

  1. Absences

    If my child is unable to attend, I will provide notice to JP as soon as possible.

  1. Uniform Requirements

    I understand that my child will be required to wear the designated uniform during the program.

  1. Orientation Attendance

    I understand that attendance at the orientation is mandatory for both the child and a parent/guardian.

  1. Media Release

    I give permission for my child's photograph and video footage to be used in promotional materials and on social media by JP's Maintenance and Sons.

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